About AppConfig

Created: Modified: Knowledge Base

AppConfig is a standard for mobile devices that allows your MDM to set options for your mobile apps.

NOTE: The Instructions will vary based on your MDM server and the platform of your devices (iOS or Android).

AppConfig Options

Like any well-mannered app, Imprivata Locker supports AppConfig. Below are available settings. Most users will leave these at the default settings, except for UnlockPIN and enrollAndroidPIN.

iOS AppConfig Flags
ActiveBrightnessinteger (may also be referred to as a number)1000-100. Screen brightness when Locker app is woken up.
AllowManualLockbooleanfalseAllows you to tap on the padlock icon to lock the device.
EpicRoverEpicMobileDeviceIDstring(none)Sets a unique MDM device ID for use with Epic Rover logout.
This value must match the Epic Rover app's EpicMobileDeviceID.
InterappPreDelayinteger (may also be referred to as a number)3Seconds to wait after receiving a Lock command and before starting any logout routines.
InterappPostDelayinteger (may also be referred to as a number)0Seconds to wait after finishing the interapp API routine and before entering Single App Mode.
MaxInterappAttemptsinteger (may also be referred to as a number)8Number of retries before attempting app logout during interapp API routine
UnlockPINstring(none)Sets the emergency Unlock PIN, 4-8 digits
Android AppConfig Flags
ConfigFlagsstringenrollAndroindPinAllows you to use Android passcodes on Android devices.
Supported in:
- Omnissa Workspace ONE
- SOTI MobiControl
EpicRoverEpicMobileDeviceIDstring(none)Sets a unique MDM device ID for use with Epic Rover logout.
This value must match the Epic Rover app's EpicMobileDeviceID.
UnlockPINstring(none)Sets the emergency Unlock PIN, 4-8 digits
Setting the Android Passcode

In the following example, Imprivata Mobile Access Management uses AppConfig to enable the use of Android passcodes to unlock the device. Alternately, configure a Custom Option for Android passcodes.

Setting the Emergency Unlock PIN

In the following examples, GroundControl uses AppConfig to set the emergency Unlock PIN for the Imprivata Locker app.

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